Crochet Tips Galore
Phyllis has been kind enough to share her many tips with us. If you have questions about how to crochet something, what type of yarn to use, sizing your patterns and anything else then read it all here.
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bertuccijoyce 2168 826
Aug 14, 2013
Is there something I can spray doilies with to make them permanent

StarwarsCutie 2161 014
May 16, 2013
I find that when making a tunishian or AKA the afghan stitch it helps if you scrunch all of the loops on you're hook and then separating them a little bit when you are pulling the yarn through to complete a row
margagabadian 7634 754
Mar 26, 2013
Muchas gracias por todo lo que comparten y ensean. Me interesa saber si hay algn video donde explique cmo hacer la 1a. vareta de una vuelta superior (sin ser las 3 cadenas habituales). Agradezco si pueden auxiliarme con ese dato.

craftystitcher14 6 967550
Mar 25, 2013
i made a single crochet afghan too narrow, how can i widen it without ripping out the entire afghan, as i have already cross stitched on it already, any help would be greatly appreciated.

lucky86 2839639
Mar 04, 2013
I am confused here, this is what it says in the pattern "sc in each sc across, Inc in sc crochet from end. Ch 1, turn. Sc in last sc" I don't get how you can ch 1 turn then sc in last stitch but aren't you already on the next row if you have turned??? You would be starting on a new row right? Hope you can help me figure this out, I would sure appreciate it! Thanks!

lucky86 2839639
Mar 04, 2013
I meant to say inc sc in second stitch from the end. then ch 1 and turn. sorry! I have trouble finding the right words to describe things!

earthmother999 732 6664
Jun 05, 2012
I am using an old pattern that calls for crocheting your stitches over 6 cut crochet strings that are 4 inches long. I do not know how to do that. Can someone help me?.

mjmlibrarian 10904 52
Feb 26, 2012
my pattern call for changing colors and then to drop the one color and changing to another but how do i pick up the first color when i go on in the samerow and need the color i dropped previosly. i am stuck. thank you. mary

suezannmiller 8337 743
Feb 24, 2012
Help, im use to reading old patterns from yeas ago . Where do I find how to read patterns with *[( what do these mean in a pettern. Is there a how to vidio , or help reading patterns.

pterrppan 4534001
Apr 25, 2012
hi, * this means that when the* appears you have to repeat the same instruction given to you before . every time you see* you repeat the same stiches again. . hope this helped you .

vmm72653 0440393
Feb 20, 2012
I am crocheting hats in a ring. How can I join rows that have an even join seam. Mine goes off to the side when finished.

pterrppan 4534001
Apr 25, 2012
this is what I do. you have to mark( with a safety pin or a strand of yarn) when you finish your first row and close with a slip stitch and every time you finish a row you close with a slip stitch. if you do not mark when you finish a row you'll get confuse where you mush finish in order to slip stitch.

jerusalencruz 7388 945
Feb 10, 2012
I'm just starting and my hand towl keeps coming out as a triangle how do fix this?

Jul 03, 2012
You are probably missing the 1st stitch and the last stitch in each row. When you turn, be sure you work the last stitch of the last row. At the end of any row, be sure you work the very last stitch.
Dec 21, 2011
Where can I find out how to do fpdc--front post dbl crochet.?
Dec 22, 2011
Hi, defile. Here is a link to a video tutorial on our YouTube channel that might be of help to you: Good luck! --Editors of AllFreeCrochet

pterrppan 4534001
Apr 25, 2012
go on youtube, you'll not only get what your looking for by thousands of tutorial on how to do what ever in the world you want to crochet it's the best thing ever. good luck

lorimissjane64 989 0314
Dec 20, 2011
What does (RS) mean in a crochet pattern?

Dec 21, 2011
@lorimissjane64 9890314, 'RS' stands for 'right side' Some pieces have a right side and a wrong side; the right side refers to the side that will be displayed, and the wrong side refers to the back side that will not be displayed. I hope this helps! --editors of AllFreeCrochet
Dec 01, 2011
Hi, Dibbers. Here is a link to a video tutorial that includes how to crochet a "magic loop": Hope this helps! --Editors of AllFreeCrochet

mealley 8726716
Sep 12, 2011
Help please! I haven't made booties since my daughter (who is now 32) was a baby. I am baffled about the instep in the pattern I'm working on. What is it and where do I attach to start an instep? I just finished the sole and sides to the booties. Thanks, MARIE

angiefay3000 57418 19
Jun 03, 2011
Help me please. I have a pattern for half double crochet.and for row 2 it says to make 1 hdc in the 2nd ch of the tch and turn. I need help with this to continue with the pattern

chics888 4597574
Sep 11, 2012
Make the hdc in the 2nd ch of the tch means....make 1 hdc in the 2nd ch of the TURNING CHAIN then turn your work and start the next row.

chatticat 8031656
Apr 25, 2011
Hi, I ran across a pattern that says fpdc and fpdc below next chain on previous row. Does this mean to do 2 fpdc in the same chain?

lynraya 7222602
Apr 15, 2011
When you do dc3tog.... is that when you double crochet 3 times in one stitch?

Jul 03, 2012
That would be increasing by 3 stitches. dc3tog means to draw up a strand of yarn in each of the next 3 stitches; you will have 4 loops on your hook. With hook, draw up strand of yarn and pull it through all 4 strands on the hook. You will have created a cluster.

clkopic 5602151
Apr 01, 2011
Help, the sides on my afghans wave. I count my stitches and they come out the same but the darned things still turn out lumpy and I end up making a border all the way around to try to even it out. I've pulled out hours worth of crocheting trying to make it look good.

pterrppan 4534001
Apr 25, 2012
hi, go on you tube , write down booties and you'll get alot of style.

Jul 03, 2012
This happened to me yrs ago on my first knitting shawl. Crochet is the same. If sc, you must make 1 turn chain at the end of each row, then turn and be sure you work the first stitch [not the turn chain].

tonyaneve 8375672
Mar 14, 2011
carmil to do a back lp is very easy. what you do is first look at the top of the chain where it looks like a "v", then just insert your hook in just the bottom part of the "v". its kinda like your going to do a sc but you just want to go under the back half of the "v " not the whole thing. and its the same for a front lp st as well you just go under the front half of the "v" instead. I hope this helps you. tonya

tonyaneve 8375672
Mar 07, 2011
hi i need help with a front post double crochet. there is a brief explanation, but its just not enough for me to really understand what to do, so if anyone knows this stitch and could explain it in a very step by step way that would be great. also in that same pattern it says row 2 and every WS rows, what does that mean? i noticed that all of the following even rows are not listed so am i just suppose to repeat row 2 for all those not listed?

wwwbmhanley53 2196 086
Feb 05, 2011
I need some help with this cluster. Ch2 [yo and draw up a loop in the next dc, yo and draw through 2 loops] twice yo and draw through all three loops on hook ch 1 to close cluster. I have only 1 loop on needle when finished, what am I doing wrong?

Dec 08, 2010
I am confused about how to do 'flo' in a pattern. It says to do dc in flo for the next row. The previous row was all sc. Can you help me understand this? Thank you! Fran

Member 0685481
Oct 15, 2010
Help! I need a little tip how to make branches lariat. i know how to do branches but not so sure how to do the branches from right to left and left to right by neat. Where should I put the needle through before go to the other side? Thank you much.

Oct 09, 2010
Help please I have a pattern that calls for a Foour Point Treble stitch but I have no idea what it is. Can anyone help, please? TIA
Tammy Dirickson
Sep 27, 2010
help I'm trying to do a Alternate Puff Stitch can anyone help thank you

Sep 17, 2010
I have a pattern for a baby sweater. I've changed it to make it fit a newborn (it was for 12 mos.) but am struggling with the collar. It says on the last row to work in rnds. How do you work in rounds if it is a straight line?

Sep 04, 2010
Mary Lulu, I hope this explanation is helpful to you: Double Chain Stitch.-- This is a stronger and firmer chain-stitch than the ordinary one; and as it resembles braid, is sometimes termed braid-stitch. When you have done two ordinary chain-stitches, besides the one on the needle, insert the hook in the first of those two, draw the thread at once through them both; then continue to insert the hook in the stitch just finished, as well as the loop on it already, and draw the thread through both.

mary lulu
Aug 28, 2010
Help! I have an afgan pattern that is calling for me to make an open pattern on each end, them attach fringe. To make the 3 rows of open work it is done using the Dch stitch (double chain). I have never heard of this before. It gave an explantion for it, but I can not seem to figure it out. Can you give me directions on how to make this Dch stitch? Thank you . Mary Lulu

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