Lightweight Summer Vest


Lightweight Summer Vest

Lightweight Summer Vest
Lightweight Summer Vest

"This pattern for a lightweight summer vest works up very quickly with a 9 mm crochet hook (US M or N) and worsted weight yarn, but you could use any size yarn and any size hook. Begin with a foundation chain that reaches across your body, from side to side, at the largest part (hips or bust). Then it's a simple 2 row repeat. Make one section for the back and 2 for the front, and seam at the shoulders and the sides. MAKE ANY SIZE!"


Crochet HookM/13 or 9 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Finished Sizemake any size

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Lightweight Summer Vest

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