Tunisian Stitch Cell Phone Bag


Tunisian Stitch Cell Phone Bag


This ocean themed purse is perfect for holding your cell phone and other small objects. Complete with a decorative seashell, this free easy crochet pattern is the perfect accompaniment on a beach outing.


Crochet Hook00 or 3.5 mm hook (steel)

Yarn Weight(1) Super Fine (27-32 stitches to 4 inches)

See this project and more in 11 Free Crochet Bag Patterns!

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i have been crocheting for years and know several stitches but not this one. I love the design of the stitch and have seen many patterns with this stitch. Well, I am going to finally learn this stitch. i just need to buy the Tunisian hook.

Very instructive, simple, and easy directions. I believe I have found my test piece for learning the Tunisian stitch. I keep saying I am going to learn it, but it still looks so intimidating. Her instructions look so easy that I might actually make one of these cute phone bags.

What a cute little bag. Not only can you use it for a cell, but a little girl can use it as a purse. I have never done the Tunisian stitch but after reading it, it very much resembles the afghan stitch so I can do it. It should work up in no time at all.


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