Grocery Tote Bag


This grocery tote bag stretches upward for plenty of room for groceries or your favorite items. Free crochet bag patterns are great when you can reuse them.


Crochet HookH/8 or 5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

See Nancy's bio and other great patterns!

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Thanks for your grocery tote bags ideas.Its looks good.

These grocery tote bags are both economical to make one pound of yarn makes two, and good for the environment. The pattern is marked as intermediate, but I honestly believe a beginner would not have any trouble making them. Love how it works in one continuous piece with just the addition of the handles. Show the world you care, make a bunch of these for your family and friends.

I too have tried to do this pattern, and can not get the final corner to look right. I don't like the slanted look, and it gets smaller with each row. Is there a way to correct this so it looks good. Otherwise, am liking it.

I can't open this pattern. I do have adobe reader and still have a blank page.

When I try to view the instructions I only get it in code. How can I get this pattern?

Hi Mulurab, This pattern is in the form of a PDF. Please be sure that you have Adobe Reader installed on your computer in order to view it. You can download this program for free: I hope this helps a bit!

I made one of these and took it to my exercise class to show a friend. One of the gals there saw it and asked me to make 3 for her so she could give them as Christmas gifts. I wish I could see the spot where you go from one row to another. Mine had a slanted sort of seam and the top edge seemed not quite right. But it's still a hit. Will make more and donate them to the elementary school's holiday bazaar.

guess what everyone is getting for christmas this next year already have made 6 of them

I have made several of these in various colors and I have gotten so many comments on them. They work up so fast and easy and you can modify them to your liking. Great pattern even for beginners. I like a quick project and this is one of my favs. Thank you

For nhlulu: You need to have Adobe Acrobat installed in order to download this pattern. Once you have it installed, it'll open right up. it's a 1 page pattern.

The link doesn't work. So, unless I enlarge the pic and take the pattern right off the tote, it doesn't do much good!

If you don't have any extra thread, but have a lot of left over plastic grocery sacks. Cut off the bottom. Leave the sides intact. Cut the bag into 1" strips. Mix &/or match colors. Using any pattern use the strips to crochet the tote, leave the ends on the outside for "decoration" or put inside for a cleaner look. The work great. Have made bottle totes for walkers with these. AND they are stronger than the original bag.


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