Faded Ripple Pattern


Faded Ripple Pattern

The Faded Ripple Pattern is a new and updated take on a typical zig-zag pattern. This ripple crochet pattern is an intermediate pattern since stitch placement is key to achieve the intended look. The tutorial is a how-to for the basic ripple pattern, but you can expand this to make a snuggly ripple afghan. If you want, you can also make the pattern smaller and turn it into a chic scarf. The possibilities are endless once you master this pattern.


Crochet HookK/10.5 or 6.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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This faded ripple afghan looks like it would be a great pattern to use your scrap yarns for. I love ripple patterns! They are so versatile, and you can make them in any color you like. There are so many ripple patterns available, you do not have to make any that are the same if you dont want to.


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