Crochet Scarf with Flowers


Crochet Scarf with Flowers


Crochet Scarf with Flowers
Crochet Scarf with Flowers

Make a fun crochet scarf with flowers. This one has five flowers, but you can make as many or as little as you wish. It's a great free crochet pattern to spruce up any outfit.


Crochet HookF/5 or 3.75 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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This look amazing!!!!!!!

I like the pattern for these flowers with the green scraf. however where is the pattern for the scarf>?????? seen mar.27.2013

Click on "click here for crochet pattern" to the left of the picture. It is highlighted in green.

I would like the rosette Pattern as seen up above.

Hi Louise, Love your crochet scarf with flowers and your choice of colors. Do you by any chance have the patter for the scarf. thank you Libby


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