Multicolored Grannyghan Afghan


Multicolored Grannyghan Afghan

This beautiful Multicolored Grannyghan Afghan is worked vertically using scraps of Red Heart Super Saver. This is an easy crochet pattern that will leave you breathless once it's complete; it truly is amazing. The crochet colors make it such a vibrant pattern that you'll want to show it to the world.


Crochet HookI/9 or 5.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

See more of Debi's crochet designs.

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What a fabulous idea for using up scraps of yarns. The colors always end up looking beautiful in this kind of project and this gorgeous Multicolored Grannyghan Afghan has given me the necessary inspiration to get into my scraps and use them for this beautiful project. We all have scraps and so many of us just let them accumulate so thank you for this free pattern, it is such a lovely way to using them up!

Why can't you just give the option to print? I do not want to download.......

Thank you for the beautiful pattern. I finally figured out how to dwnld it, it wouldn't dwnld on my iPad so used hubby's PC instead. Thanks again.

Pleas help, what do you mean, working in the back ridge of the chain? Thanks

I love the colors,i startet one similar 2 years ago,but put it away,now I think ill get it out and get going on it fall&winter,time for indors hobbies thanks for shoving it when I get done ill send a picture,,sincerely BODIL ARNOLD.i am double crochet 120 stitches 2 rows of each colers,, again thanks..

I really want to work this up and have saved it but cannot get it to print. How can I get it to print? Thanks Kathy

I am a Granny Square nut and I love this and can't wait to make it. Thanks so much. Cheryl, Marietta GA

i have been trying to figure out an afghan that will use up my scrap yarn and be in strips

This is a lovely pattern - and our winter begins MAY - September certainly a lovely way to use up all the left over yarn and have it ready for winter - THANKS you certainly have so many useful ideas and lovely patterns and easy to follow


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