Around the Corner: Crochet Borders


Around the Corner: Crochet Borders

Around the Corner: Crochet BordersAround the Corner: Crochet Borders
Gifted By: Storey Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-60342-538-4
Reviewed By Jeanette Benoit, Editor for


Adding a crocheted trim to your homemade crochet designs is a great way to personalize any pattern. For 150+ borders and trims, browse through Edie Eckman's book, Around the Corner: Crochet Borders. This book is a great resource for finding colorful, creative edgings for any pattern you're working on. Each edging design includes charts and instructions for creating the perfect border.

The patterns found inside this book can be used for endless items including crocheted baby blankets, knitted scarves, or even a store-bought tank top. Adding a colorful crocheted edge is a great way to add the perfect finishing touch to any item. The variety of edgings you'll find inside this book will amaze you. There's an edge pattern for everyone's style. Whether you're looking for lacy, plain, fancy, ruffled, or straight, you'll find the perfect edging pattern inside this 300-page book. It's definitely a must-have book for everyone's crochet library.

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