Retro Summer Rug

How would you like to learn how to crochet a bright, fun rug? This unique Retro Summer Rug is quick and easy to make using tee shirt yarn or fabric strips. Scrap fabric crafts like this one are great stash buster projects that will save you some time and money because you don't have to go out and buy yarn for them. This crochet rug pattern will liven up any room or doorstep you put it in and it'll welcome in the warmth that only summer can bring. It's not your average crochet pattern with complicated crochet stitches, so you should really try it out.

Crochet HookQ or 16mm hook

Yarn Weight(6) Super Bulky/Super Chunky (4-11 stitches for 4 inches)

Materials List

  • 275-300 yards Tee shirt yarn
  • Q Hook

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