
Rag Rug

By: Ashlea Konecny from Heart Hook Home
Rag Rug

"Rag rugs are not only stylish, but can be very economical as well. Sure, you could go to the craft store and hand-pick the fabrics to use for yours, but that can get pricey. Just think of all of the old sheets you have in the linen closet or, if you sew, the remnants of fabric in your stash. You could even go to the thrift store and pick up someone else’s old sheets to use. With a pop of color and a fun, vibrant vibe, I think every room could benefit from a good rag rug. Made using strips of any ol’ fabric, this project is economical too! Make this rug as small or as large as you like, simply by continuing to add rounds as outlined in the pattern. As written the rug is 16” x 28” and is easily customizable."

Crochet HookN/15 or 10 mm hook

Yarn WeightOther

Finished SizeOne Size Customizable

Materials List

  • 10mm crochet hook
  • Stitch Marker
  • 1″ Continuous Bias Tape (or virtually any cotton fabric strips cut in 2″ strips diagonally/on the bias)
Rag Rug
Rag Rug

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