
Black Bear Rug

By: Marie Segares from Underground Crafter
Black Bear Rug

"This pattern can be crocheted in brown shades of yarn to make a grizzly bear rug. In fact, black bear coats can be brown, blue-black, blue-grey and even white in colour. Materials Rowan Pure Wool Superwash DK, 100% wool (137yd/125m per 50g ball), or any DK yarn: 6 x 50g balls in 114 Caviar (A) 4 x 50g balls in 118 Granite (B) 1 x 50g ball in 119 Mole (C) Approximately 92.5in (235cm) length of brown DK yarn, such as 110 Dust (D) for the eyes Approximately 23.5in (60cm) length of white DK yarn, such as 012 Snow (E) 4mm (UK8:USG/6) crochet hook Blunt-ended yarn needle Toy stuffing Size Approximately 32.25in (82cm) wide and 27.5in (70cm) long (excluding head) This pattern by Vanessa Mooncie was originally published in Crocheted Animal Rugs and is shared with permission from GMC Publications Ltd."

Crochet HookG/6 or 4 mm hook

Yarn Weight(3) Light/DK (21-24 stitches to 4 inches)


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