
11 Granny Square Crochet Patterns for Square Crochet Projects

By: The Editors of AllFreeCrochet and AllFreeCrochetAfghanPatterns
11 Granny Square Crochet Patterns for Square Crochet Projects

If you crochet, then you are probably familiar with the classic granny square. We’ve teamed up with our friends at AllFreeCrochetAfghanPatterns and crochet designers to make the 11 Granny Square Crochet Patterns for Square Crochet Projects eBook just for you. We’ve combined our love for granny squares and crochet projects into the ultimate guide for crocheting granny squares. If you don't know how to crochet granny squares yet, then this is a great place to learn!

Obviously, granny squares are used to make granny square afghans. Many designers have come up with unique versions of the classic square and we’ve included some in this eBook. Full of possibilities, this eBook will show you how to crochet ponchos, granny square purses, purses, and even granny square jewelry. As this traditional form of crocheting grows more and more popular, crocheting has adopted the granny square into a variety of fresh forms.

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