
This Easy Crocheted Owl is a hoot! Make this little guy in any colors you wish, providing many hours of playtime for you or a child. Single crochet is worked in rows while double crochet is worked in rounds.

Crochet HookG/6 or 4 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

Owl is 9” tall.


  • RED HEART® Super Saver®:
    • 1 skein 885 Delft Blue A
    • 629 Green Tones B
    • 320 Cornmeal C
    • 312 Black D.
  • Crochet Hook: 4mm [US G-6].
  • Split-ring stitch marker
  • Fiberfill
  • Yarn needle.

GAUGE: 16 sts and 16 rows sc = 4” (10 cm). CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size hook to obtain the gauge.

Special Stitches

sc2tog: [Insert hook in next st, yo, draw yarn through st] twice, yo, draw yarn through 3 loops on hook.


Starting at bottom with A, ch 2.
Row 1 (right side): Work 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook, turn—6 sc.
Row 2: Ch 1, 2 sc in each sc across, turn—12 sc.
Row 3: Ch 1, [sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc] across, turn—18 sc.
Row 4: Ch 1, [sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc] across, turn—24 sc.
Row 5: Ch 1, [sc in next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc] across, turn—30 sc.
Row 6: Ch 1, work in back loops only, sc in each sc across, turn.
Row 7: Ch 1, [sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc] across, turn—36 sc.
Row 8: Ch 1, [sc in next 5 sc, 2 sc in next sc] across, turn—42 sc.
Row 9: sc in each sc across, turn.
Row 10: Ch 1, [sc in next 6 sc, 2 sc in next sc] across, turn—48 sc.
Row 11: Ch 1, [sc in next 7 sc, 2 sc in next sc] across, turn—54 sc.
Rows 12-20: Ch 1, sc in each sc across, turn. Fasten off A end of Row 20.
Row 21: With right side facing, join B with a sc in first sc, sc in each remaining sc across, turn.
Rows 22-29: Ch 1, sc in each sc across, turn.
Row 30: ch 1, [sc in next 7 sc, sc2tog over next 2 sc] across, turn—48 sc.
Row 31: Ch 1, sc in each sc across, turn.
Row 32: Ch 1, [sc in next 6 sc, sc2tog over next 2 sc] across, turn—42 sc.
Row 33: Ch 1, [sc in next 5 sc, sc2tog over next 2 sc] across, turn—36 sc.
Row 34: Ch 1, sc in each sc across, turn.
Row 35: Ch 1, [sc in next 4 sc, sc2tog over next 2 sc] across, turn—30 sc.
Row 36: Ch 1, [sc in next 3 sc, sc2tog over next 2 sc] across, turn—24 sc.
Row 37: Ch 1, [sc in next 2 sc, sc2tog over next 2 sc] across, turn—18 sc.
Row 38: Ch 1, [sc in next sc, sc2tog over next 2 sc] across, turn—12 sc.
Row 39: Ch 1, [sc2tog over next 2 sc] across—6 sts.
Fasten off leaving a sewing length. With yarn needle, weave sewing length through the sts of last row, gather tightly and secure. Whipstitch center back seam, stuffing before closing.
Trim Round: With right side facing, join A in remaining front loop of any st in row 6, slip st in remaining loop of each st around, join with a slip st in first slip st. Fasten off.
Head Feathers
With B, [ch 6, hdc in 3rd ch from hook and in each ch across] 3 times. Fasten off, leaving a sewing length. Sew in place on top of head.
Wing (make 2)
With B, [ch 10, dc in 4th ch from hook and each ch across] 3 times. Fasten off, leaving a sewing length. Sew one to each side of body.
Eye Back (make 2)
With A, ch 4; join with slip st in first ch to form ring.
Round 1: Ch 3 (counts as dc here and throughout), work 11 dc in ring, slip st in top of beg ch-3—12 dc.
Round 2: Ch 3, dc in first st, 2 dc in each dc around, slip st in top of beg ch-3—24 dc. Fasten off, leaving a sewing length.
Iris (make 2)
With C, ch 3, work 7 hdc in 3rd ch from hook, join with a slip st in top of beginning ch-3. Fasten off, leaving a sewing length. Sew one iris to center of each eye back.
Pupil (make 2)
With D, ch 2, work 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook, join with a slip st in top of beginning ch-2. Fasten off, leaving a sewing length. Sew one pupil to center of each eye back. With yarn needle, weave sewing length through sts of last round, gather tightly and secure. Sew one pupil to center of each iris. Sew eyes in place on owl as pictured.
With C, leaving a sewing length, ch 2.
Round 1: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook, do not join. Work in a spiral, marking last st in each round and move marker up each round.
Round 2: 2 sc in each sc around—12 sc.
Round 3: Sc in each sc around.
Round 4: [Sc in next 4 sc, sc2tog over next 2 sc] around—10 sc.
Round 5: [Sc in next 3 sc, sc2tog over next 2 sc] around—8 sc.
Round 6: Sc in each sc around. Begin stuffing lightly.
Round 7: [Sc in next 2 sc, sc2tog over next 2 sc] around—6 sc.
Round 8: Sc in each sc around, slip st in next sc to join.
Fasten off. With yarn needle, weave sewing length through sts of last round, gather tightly and secure. Sew beak in place between eyes.


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