
The sassy Betty is an adorable shrug with a lacy band added at the end. Follow these crochet instructions for a lovely little topper to your tank top or dress.

Crochet HookD/3 or 3.25 mm hook, E/4 or 3.5 mm hook

Yarn Weight(3) Light/DK (21-24 stitches to 4 inches)

Finished SizeWidth – 29(33)” Length – 18(19½)”


Left Sleeve:  With smaller crochet hook, ch 39(43).
Row 1 (RS):  Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across – 38(42) sts.  Ch 1, turn.
Rows 2 – 4:  Sc in each st across.  Ch 1, turn.  When Row 4 is completed, change to larger crochet hook, ch 3, turn.
Row 5:  Dc across, inc 6 (8) dc evenly spaced – 44)50) dc.  Ch 3, turn.
Rows 6 – 8:  Dc in each st across.  Ch 3, turn.
Row 9:  Work 2 dc in first st, dc in each st to last st, work 2 dc in last st – 4652) dc.  Ch 3, turn.
Rows 10 – 12:   Dc in each dc across.  Ch 3, turn.
Rows 13 – 28: Rep Rows 9 – 12 four times more – 54(60) dc.  Ch 3, turn.
Rows 29 and 30:  Rep Row 9 twice more – 58(64) dc.  Ch 3, turn.  Work 2 rows even.  Fasten off, turn.

Body:  Next row (RS):  Ch 17(18), join with a dc in first dc of sleeve, then continue to dc in each dc across sleeve, ch 20(21), turn.
Following Row:  Dc in 4th ch from hook and in next 16(17) ch, dc in each dc across sleeve, dc in next 17(18) ch – 92(100) dc.  Ch 3, turn.  Rep Row 6 as for sleeve until body measures 29(33)” from beg, end with a WS row.  Fasten off.  Turn.

Right Sleeve:  Next Row (RS):  Skip first 17(18) dc, join with a c in enxt dc, then dc in next 57(63) dc, leaving remaining 17(18) dc unworked.  Ch 3, turn.  Work even for 2 rows.
Rows 3 and 4:  Dc2tog, dc in each dc to last 2 dc, dc2tog – 54(60) dc.  Ch 3, turn.
Rows  5 – 7:  Dc in each dc across.  Ch 3, turn.
Row 8:  Dc2 tog, dc in each dc to last 2 dc, dc2tog – 52(58) dc.  Ch 3, turn.
Rows 9 – 11:  Dc in each dc across.  Ch 3, turn.
Rows 12 – 27:  Rep Rows 6 – 9 fouyr times more – 44(50) dc.  Ch 3, turn.
Row 28:  Dc across, dec 6(8) dc evenly spaced – 38(42) dc.  Change to smaller hook, ch 1, turn.
Rows 29 – 32:  Sc in each st across.  Ch 1, turn.  When Row 32 is completed, do not ch and turn; fasten off.

Sew side and sleeve seams.

Border:  Foundation Rnd:  With RS facing, using larger crochet hook, join yarn with a sl st in any side seam.  Ch 1 (counts as 1 sc at side seam), work 128(146) sc evenly spaced across to opposite side seam, sc in side seam, work another 128(146) sc evenly spaced to beg side seam, join rnd with a sl st in beg ch-1 – 258(294) sc.
Rnd 1:  Ch 3 (always counts as 1 dc at side seam), ** dc in first st,  * skip next st, dc in next st, dc in skipped st, rep from * 62(71) times more, dc in next st **, dc in next st at side seam, rep between **’s once more, join rnd with a sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 2:  Ch 1 (always counts as 1 sc at side seam), sc in each st around, join with a sl st in beg ch-1.
Rnd 3:  Ch 3, ** dc in first st, ch 1, * dc3tog, ch 2, rep from * 40(46) times more, end dc3tog, ch 1, dc in next st **, dc in next st at side seam, rep between **’s once more, join with a sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 4:  Ch 1, ** sc in first st, sc in ch-1 sp, * sc in next st,w ork 2 sc in next ch-2 sp, rep from * 40(46) times more, end sc in next st, sc in ch-1 sp, sc in next st **, sc in next st at side seam, rep between **’s once more, join with a sl st in beg ch-1.
Rnds 5 and 6:  Rep Rnds 3 and 4.
Rnds 7 and 8:  Rep Rnds 1 and 2.
Rnds 9 – 14:  Rep Rnds 3 and 4 three times.
Rnds 15 and 16:  Rep Rnds 1 and 2.
Rnds 17 and 18:  Rep Rnds 3 and 4.
Rnd 19:  Rep Rnd 1.
Rnd 20:  Ch 1, working from left to right, work in Reverse sc around, join with a sl st in beg ch-1.  Fasten off.

Right Sleeve Edging:  With RS facing, using smaller crochet hook, join yarn with a sl st in underarm seam, ch 1, working from left to right, work 1 Reverse sc in each sc around, join with a sl st in beg ch-1.  Fasten off.

Left Sleeve Edging:  With RS facing, using smaller crochet hook, join yarn with a sl st in underarm seam, ch 1, working from left to right, work 1 Reverse sc in each loop of foundation ch around, join with a sl st in beg ch-1.  Fasten off.


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