Shells And Clusters Crochet Blanket


Shells And Clusters Crochet Blanket

Shells And Clusters Crochet Blanket
Shells And Clusters Crochet Blanket

"Crochet blankets come in different sizes, right from newborn blankets to king size bedspreads. You can easily alter the stitches and make one according to your need. They are the best option that comes in mind when you think of a Gift for your near and dear ones. Today am sharing the pattern for Shells and Clusters Crochet Blanket. Its a Two Row repeat pattern which is quite easy to follow and it works up pretty quick. This Blanket Pattern is made with a combination of Crochet Shell stitches and Double Crochet Cluster stitches along with Front Post Single Crochets. You will just love how fast the stitch works up. Combined together, these stitches give a gorgeous texture and volume to the finished blanket. Materials Used:- 8 Ply Yarn 4 mm Crochet Hook Size:- 38 inches- Customizable to any size"


Crochet HookG/6 or 4 mm hook

Yarn Weight(4) Medium Weight/Worsted Weight and Aran (16-20 stitches to 4 inches)

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